So I saw the movie, I must say it opened my eyes a bit more to how lost as a race we are. Some of us are sooo ignorant it's quite disgusting actually. Black women are soo insecure it soo sad and to think this hair business that is 9 billion dollar business is solely based on our own insecurities as black females. People are cashing in all over the world on our insecurities. Some of us don't like ourselves and to think that most people will relax or put extensions for the sole purpose of not feeling pretty enough or not "fitting in" to the western society of beauty. God forbid if we show our "real" selves what will the world think? Not to mention the health concerns on applying sodium peroxide(relaxer) to your hair the long term effects that can cause.
This industry was created for us to fit in(creator Madam C.J Walker), and sorry news flash we are black, no matter how many wigs or weaves or perms we get you are black that's all they will ever see. Personally I accept my self fully as a black female from my skin to my nose, lips, round rear, large hips and all, but I always thought to myself why not my hair? Now I'm down for changing up my do cause I want a new look but if we are doing it for the sole purpose of "I feel prettier with some girls hair from India on my head, or straight relaxed hair then my own is a PROBLEM!" Now I am not perfect I will probably rock a weave again at some point in my life change is good, but not because I feel prettier or more feminine!
Anyhow ladies and gents this is just my 2 cents nothing to take to heart just my random thoughts. Go check it out for yourselves and gather your own opinion!
If you saw the movie or have an opinion leave a comment!