Fashionistas and art aficionados get ready… Launching July 26th, Portobello East fashion and art market will be the new hot spot to find original clothing, accessories, jewelry and art from local designers and artists. “The market is sexy, smart, funky and individual; there are dress makers, handbag designers, jewelers and boutiques that make fashion accessible - particularly Toronto designers” says founder Carlie Smith.
Held on the last Sunday of every month at the Fermenting Cellar in the Distillery District, Portobello East will feature over 80 talented designers and artisans. This high fashion market boasts stylish items for everybody; bold graphic street wear by Judy Black (judyblack.myshopify.com) will pop vibrant colour and one-of-a-kind originality into your wardrobe. For the more refined, design by Sui Generis (right) (www. suigenerisclothing.com) provides beautifully stylish pieces for a cosmopolitan look. Clothing isn’t the only thing available at Portobello East; attendees can indulge their love for jewellery, art and other handcrafted items. But don’t expect to find doilies and tea cozies here, creative creations from vendors like Fish on Fridays (fof.urbantaxonomy.ca) will change your associations with the word “craft” forever.
Portobello East was born from Portobello West, which Smith created in August 2006, and was inspired by the famous artisan markets of London, England. After 2 and a half years the Vancouver market has continued its journey East taking over Calgary and now expanding to Toronto. “Toronto is the ideal home for the market; Portobello West has been overwhelmingly received by both the design community and the public and we know that Portobello East will soon be a favourite monthly destination for Torontonians.” Smith says. Having left Portobello West in the capable hands of her sister; Smith is excited about her relocation to Toronto and is looking forward to working with such a vibrant community.
There is still space available for designers that want to get involved. Local designers who want to showcase their work can contact exhibitor@portobelloeast.com.
Portobello East is open on the last Sunday of every month from 12pm to 6pm March to November with a special 2-day holiday market in December at the Fermenting Cellar at the Distillery District (55 Mill Street), $5 admission for the public (children 12 and under get in free!) www.portobelloeast.com
Thanks for the info.. Love this !!
I will be sure to make time to check this out, thanks.
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